How To Hypnotize People

Hypnosis is a state between the conscious and unconscious. If you want to Learn How To Hypnotize People then here is a trick....

Make a peace sign with your fingers. Place your fingers a little less than a foot away from the hairline, and tell them to take a look at your fingers but do not move your head and focus. Tell the subject to inhale and exhale slowly as you move your hand up and down, the subject should inhale as you move your hand up and exhale as you bring it down

Tell them that they will close their eyes when you move your hand down in front of their face, repeat the request, and continue step 2 another two or three times, although ideally they should not know how many times. Imply to them that they should ease their eyes as much as they can, relaxing every muscle around the eyes, so much that, even if they wanted to, their eyes are so tired, they will not function.

Following 30 seconds of this exertion tell them that when you ask them to, they are going to open and shut their eyes, and when they shut them they are going to "send a wave of relaxation right across your body, so that it is as unceremonious as their eyes are already, relaxing twice as much as you are already". Then tell them to open their eyes on the count of three, say "one, two, three, open your eyes; and shut them", do this three times increasing the relaxation time. Tell them that you are going to pick up their right hand and drop it in their lap; they will feel a wave of relaxation throughout their body. This is a great method if you want to know How To Hypnotize People

At this point it is best to suggest re-induction, for this say "if I snap my fingers and say sleep, any time today, you will find that you will drift away to this lovely deep level of relaxation and concentration, in fact every time today I click my fingers and say sleep, you will go deeper into hypnosis than you were the time before". Keep telling them they are "going deeper, and nearer to the floor, more laid-back with each breath" as they are going down the stairs. Reiterate re-induction suggestions above.

When you're done, tell them that "on the count of three you will wake up, fully alert and alert, feeling great, and that all suggestions will be removed" You may also suggest that "you will remember everything you did", or "you won't remember what you did under hypnosis". Then count to three. The person will look a bit 'dazed' even after hypnosis. This does not mean they are still under hypnosis (even though they may be slightly more suggestible for a little while). Want more ways to hypnotize someone? Find out at the How To Hypnotize People blog

Related Links:
How To Hypnotize People Wordpress blog on How To Hypnotize People How To Hypnotize Someone Awesome Hubpage on how to hypnotize someone. How To Hypnotize Someone Great Squidoo lens on how to hypnotize someone. How To Hypnotize People A Scribd document on how to hypnotize people.

How To Hypnotize People, how to hypnotize people, hypnotize, hypnosis, mind control, self hypnosis, persuasion